Nest Seekers web and background processing servers have been on Rackspace for many years, but now it's time to move. AWS offers Docker hosting and managed database services that will reduce costs, improve scalability and resilience, while decreasing maintenance and complexity for future developers.
Previous deployments have been done manually, with Puppet and lately with Ansible. Kubernetes still requires substantial expertise (and full-time devops). Terraform was chosen for its clean declarative syntax and large library of reusable modules.
AWS offers high-availability managed databases with continual backups, built in monitoring, and automated software patches. In case of disaster, data can be quickly restored to any point in time.
The new infrastructure reduces configuration complexity while increasing security and scalability.
Case Studies
MVP for Briink Intelligence
I joined Briink for 6 months to help them build their MVP and find their first paying customers.
AWS Solutions Architecture
High availability web and task servers with Continuous Delivery
Property Listings Syndication
Import Real Estate listings from multiple sources
Drip Mailing Campaign
Reactivate recent visitors, bringing them back to the website
Customer Relationship Management
Integrated marketing and sales pipeline
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